Wednesday, January 3, 2024

A new coloring book

 Christmas brought with it a gift of a new coloring book - Bobbi has challenged herself to complete it all in 2024! That seems like a big goal, but we think the idea of getting to coloring every day is great for so many reasons.

This is the book...

And this is the first page!
He looks pretty great, doesn't he? My favorite is the bit of purple reflections in the sand on the right side - those little touches characterize Bobbi's use of color.

Thursday, September 28, 2023


 Love the texture on this one, and the shiny on the bowl!

For Rose

 This little cutie was created for Rose's birthday, and mom was recruited for the word/thought bubbles and lettering. The rest of the coloring is all Bobbi.

Back into coloring

 After a long hiatus, Bobbi's broken out the colored pencils again, and a good thing, too.

Nice example of a metallic finish on the armor, and filling the background beyond the line drawing with her own creation of a texture.

Tuesday, March 29, 2022

A quick one

 Bobbi colored this one in two hours! That's got to be a record for her! Usually she works slowly, and often over a few sittings over a few days, but this one she wanted to get done for the morning, so sat down and whipped it out! You can see that the strokes on the shirt are quicker and looser, but I think it is quite effective, and if anything, brings your attention to the face where things are a little crisper.

Again, she's working from a line drawing she found on the internet.

Tuesday, October 5, 2021

Enter: Photoshop

 Bobbi's taking a graphics class through. Lucky for her, her parents already have Photoshop on the computer at home, and know something about how to use it, so she can work on stuff outside of class. (Especially helpful because she was out of class for almost a week with a cough/cold, so got a bit behind.)

This was a joint effort, because she is JUST learning how to use the software, so lots of literal and figurative hand holding, but very much her conception, and lots of the execution was her, too, just with us guiding her step by step through which tool to use and how to use it. The assignment was to 1) play with scale and 2) combine elements from two different pictures onto a new background.

Still, pretty fun, huh??

(On the left is her very favorite Turkish music artist!)

Tuesday, September 7, 2021

A few more edited photos

 Bobbi sent me a few more of her favorites from this week. She's been using the pixiz app, and is enjoying picking the best filters to show off each photo.

This one is by far my favorite. I love the subtle colors, the balance of the texture of her hair with the texture of her sweater, and the way the background (funky light fixture on her ceiling) ends up being an asset to the composition instead of just what randomly happened to be there.

Her post-secondary program through the school district includes the opportunity to take some classes at our local tech school, and she's decided to try a graphic design class this fall instead of the cooking that she's done the last two terms. We're excited for her to get the chance to learn some software (like Photoshop) that will help her take more control of her digital art and take it to the next level!

A new coloring book

 Christmas brought with it a gift of a new coloring book - Bobbi has challenged herself to complete it all in 2024! That seems like a big go...